CANDAVON, Business ID: 1382521-2, Address: Kirkkokuja 3 B 17 45910 Voikka; sells products to companies and adult individuals in the EU. These terms and conditions apply to ordering products in our online store and similar deliveries. These terms and conditions are valid on 1.9. Starting in 2019. We may change the delivery terms unilaterally from time to time, so please review our terms of delivery each time you order products from our online store.
Products and product prices
E-commerce product features and prices are provided with each product product presentation. We reserve the right to make changes in prices and shipping, so please check. prices from the shopping cart before accepting the order. The prices of the products include VAT, which is indicated in the shopping cart and the order confirmation.
Shipping costs
The shipping costs that may be charged on an order will depend on the product itself (eg weight, packaging) and the shipping method selected and will be automatically added to the order total. You will see the shipping charge (if applicable) for your order in your shopping cart before accepting the order.
Ordering and Agreement
You can order products on our webshop website by transferring them to the shopping cart and confirming the order and paying for the contents of the Shopping Cart at the payment service. When ordering from our online store, you are required to read and be bound by our current Terms of Delivery. You understand that your acceptance and confirmation of your order, except to the extent that it is referred to below with respect to the right of cancellation, shall be binding and shall constitute an agreement between us in these terms of delivery.
Payment and payment methods
You can pay for your order using the payment methods described in the online store and available in your shopping cart.
Order and payment confirmation
After a successful order, a confirmation email will be sent to your email, so please enter your email address when placing your order. The order confirmation also confirms the payment method used.If, for any unexpected reason, we are unable to confirm your order, we will notify you by email as soon as possible.
Shipping Methods and prices
We will ship your order using one of the delivery methods on our homepage that you choose when ordering.
- Postal package (Basic) €6.00
- Post / Letter sending (suggested only when possible) €2.30
- Post / Home package €12.00
- Pickup from PajaPuoti (according to agreement) €0.00
- The value of purchases €80 or more Postal package €0.00
- Posti / Home package when the value of purchases is €160 or more €0.00
Delivery time
Our most common delivery time to the EU is 2-6 days depending on the order and delivery method. For more specific times, please refer to product options.
Right of cancellation and return policy
If you are a consumer you have the right under the Finnish Consumer Protection Law to cancel your order by notifying us no later than 14 days after receipt of the item or last shipment or, in the case of regular delivery, receipt of the first shipment.
The notice of cancellation must be clearly stated, for example, on our cancellation form, by email below, or by a written notice that you provide with the item you are returning.
The right of cancellation applies only and accordingly returned products must be in their original packaging, unused and well packaged for return.
In the event of cancellation, the item must be returned promptly and no later than 14 days after giving notice of cancellation to our Return Address below. Where appropriate, the returner must prove that the goods have been returned within the time limit, for example by means of a return receipt. The costs of return shall be paid by the returnee. These costs are not refundable to the returnee.
When returning an order, please include your name and contact information and your account number for a refund.
Accordingly, we will promptly refund any money paid for your order in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act.
Return Address:
Kirkkokuja 3 B 17
45910 Voikkaa
Shipment Check, Error, and Problems
Please check the delivery immediately upon receipt. If the product is lost or damaged during shipment or otherwise does not correspond to your order or is defective, please report it to our Customer Service as soon as possible and at the latest within 14 days, and we will agree on how to correct the error. In the case of consumer sales, we comply with the mandatory liability provisions of the Consumer Protection Act for defects
Customer service
Our staff will assist you with any questions regarding your order. Please contact us, either by e-mail or telephone:
Email: candavon-cauppa@outlook.com
Tel: +358 400 106235
Limitation of Liability
CANDAVON shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential or incidental damages of any kind whatsoever in connection with any order, delivery or product, except as otherwise provided by a mandatory provision of the Consumer Protection Act or other mandatory laws.
We strive to settle any disputes regarding your order primarily by agreement, so please contact our Customer Service first to resolve the matter.
If the dispute is not resolved by negotiation between the parties, the consumer may refer the matter to the Consumer Disputes Board (www.kuluttajariita.fi). Before submitting the matter to the Consumer Disputes Board, the consumer must contact the Consumer Advisory Services of the Register Office (www.kuluttajaneuvonta.fi).